Change is possible. 

Are you paralyzed by our multiple crises?

Do you feel too small for big solutions?

Do you feel fear?

Absolutely understandable. But not necessary.

You are the change.

Learn more

Let`s talk. 

It is time to find and implement nature-oriented business models.

At the REAL CIRCULARITY SUMMIT I will discuss my bicycle concept SAYA with circular fashion pioneer Rachel Sheila Kan. 

The online event is co-organized by Ken ALSTON, co-inventor of the cradle-to-cradle principle.

Participation is free!

Join here

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Move boundaries

 Most of our limitations are only in our heads. Our actions are determined by entrenched beliefs. We all have the opportunity to change this and create paradisiacal conditions for everyone. Anyone who allows new thinking can overcome even the old rules of business administration.

Nature as rolemodel

We have our future in our own hands. The technology and knowledge for successful green transformation are available. 

We just have to finally do it, push aside the various excuses and overcome our fear.

Whoever starts first has unique selling points and is future-proof.


Change perspective

Empathy is an essential key to shaping our future. When we understand more and judge less, we all move forward. Anyone who learns to understand the other side of the shortage of skilled workers and environmental regulations no longer wants the old “normal” to go back.

 My offers

for entreprenneurs


Basic knowledge sustainability

Circular Design

Support for repair shops

Found your bicycle repair shop

Organic bike store

Responsible production

for different people 

Basic knowledge sustainability

Personal responsibility and real freedom

The reason you are here / find your high energy level

Help to resolve imbalances/self-healing

Minimalism and degrowth

Help for super empaths

DIY bicycle upcycling

Poverty help

Extended family help